Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our busy summer!

Hi Everyone!! It's been a great summer and I can't believe that it's almost over! Our family has been a busy one, but in a good way! We started off the summer with Josie's dance recital in June. We also celebrated my Grandpa Drewes' 80th birthday with a party in June. In July we spent some weekends at the Littleton cabin and Holiday Lake Cabin. We also had alot of fun just hanging out at home in the yard and going to the swimming pool! JOsie was ready after having swimming lessons in June! Carly is already 15 months old and on the verge of talking! She jabbers up a storm, especially when she's mad! Zach and I are in for it, I think:) We just returned from a week vacation at the Turner cabin on the Mississippi and Wisconsin Dells. We had some excitement there...Josie needed stitches after falling when jumping on a hotel bed! We will definitely never forget that vacation! We are now getting ready for fall, school and football! Josie will be in preschool at Montessori and Carly will join her in the daycare. I will be posting our vacation pics soon, stay tuned! I'm still training for the Chicago marathon, so keep praying for me!! My website is www.firstgiving.com/jessturner1.

Josie and Carly trying to fit in the laundry basket!

Carly loves bathtime! She trys to climb into the tub by herself!!

Josie is at her dance rehearsal...it was so adorable!

Josie's ballet outfit, it was a bunny

She's definitely ready to go on stage!

What a performer!

Dad was so proud...

My girlfriends from highschool and I all got together at our cabin for a night...what fun!

Grandpa Drewes' 80th birthday party.

Father's Day. Josie being Josie

Josie posing with her Great Papa on his birthday.

Josie loves her papa's. Papa Rick and her love sitting on the dock at the cabin and fishin with her "fishin rod".

Carly and Papa Rick

Carly's first parade at Sturgis Falls.

We had a wedding and Carly was exhausted at the reception, it didn't help that it was 100 degrees, either!

The girls and I after I ran the Sturgis 1/2 marathon.

Josie love the merry go round! We even had Carly on the ride...her first one!

Carly loves to brush her teeth, just like her big sister!

Josie had a great time at swimming lessons! She perfected her backfloat.

Her first jump off the diving board!

She wanted to do it over and over again!

Carly loves to read her books at her little table. She's usually chewing on them, actually.

Jayda and Carly swimming at the cabin.

This picture took about 6 takes before we got a good one!

Carly loves yogurt, especially when she gets to eat it by herself!

The girls love playing outside on their swingset.

Carly's first taste of sweet corn! She was a natural!

Josie's a pro. She always asks for floss when we're done :)

Cocktail hour at Holiday Lake.

These are the two munckins...what one doesn't think of the other does. They keep us running!

Swimmin at Holiday Lake!

Josie fishin with her Papa, I don't think they got a bite.

Carly is our little stinker...she loves to climb up into our chairs and sit like a big girl. She's a climber and I'm not used to that!!

My little sunbather, don't worry, she has sunscreen on :)