Monday, July 12, 2010

Spring and Summer, so far!

Wow...Sorry everyone for not keeping you up to date with our family for the last few months!!! You know how summer is, busy, busy, busy!! We celebrated Carly's 1st Birthday on May 16th!!! I know! Can you believe she's already 13 1/2 months old? She is definately keeping us busy!! She started walking around 11 months and ever since has been go, go, go!! We think she's our "climber" and "trouble-maker". But she's a little cutie pie, so how do you get upset? Josie is our little helper and keeps her eye on Carly at all times! She's had a busy summer so far. She had her adorable dance recital of tap and ballet in June and a few weeks ago she finished, and passed, swimming lessons!! We're so proud of her-she is a little fish!!! Zach and I are staying busy with the kids, of course, but we are also training for some competitions. Zach has a big triathalon next week! And I am getting ready to run my first marathon in October!! I know, I said marathon! I'm going to give you more infor later, because I'm running for a cause-World Vision-and we are raising money to build a school in Africa. More to come on that...
I promise to be better about the rest of our summer and hope all of you have a good one!

Josie loves pushing Carly in her swing!!

Daddy reading a story at bedtime, are they paying attention?

Carly's first few steps at 11 months!

The girls playing outside on a sunny April day.

At Josie's preschool they have a "Birthday Walk" and Josie started school after her birthday last year, so she had her birthday walk in May. It's really cute, they walk around the sun 3 times (the years they are) and the other kids sing a special song.

Carly's First Birthday!
May 16th

She got so many wonderful gifts!

She was very careful when unwrapping! She stayed pretty interested, too!

Josie lovin up her sis!

Carly loved her cake, that was for sure!!


Carly couldn't look away from her cake :)

Jayda, Josie and Carly.
Josie looks so enthused!

We filled up the wading pool on a hot day in May. Carly loved it! and Josie loved mauling her!

Josie's dance recital costume--They were little bunny's, so darn cute!!

Her tap outfit--she is such a little performer!!

Carly had to play dress up, too!

Jayda celebrated her 1st Birthday on may 31st!!

It took Jayda a while, but she finally just dug in!!