Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We have had a jam-packed summer, as I'm sure everyone has! We spent 4th of July weekend at the Anderson cabin on the Wapsie and had tons of family fun! Then, the next weekend we went with the family to Holiday Lake and celebrated our 6th Anniversary. Zach also competed in an Olimpic length triathalon and did great! Josie had her first swimming lessons the following week, which was probably the coldest week of the summer-60 degrees! She did great, though, better than me-I had to get in with her! And she passed! Carly was 2 months old on the 16th and weighs over 11 pounds! She's a growing girl and is smiling and laughing all the time now! I'm becoming more sad day by day as I have to go back to work in about 2 weeks! This summer went by way, way too fast!!! I knew it would!

Grama LaVonne with her girls!

Isaac is showing his little cousin the ropes of fishing--she loves hanging out with him! It's so cute!

She is such a "poser" when it comes to pictures and we did not teach her this! It's scary!

We had to put the headband on Carly!

Zach loves to give her a "faux-hawk"-her hair naturally does this, poor thing

Our 6th anniversary at Holiday Lake

Josie caught her first fish! A blue-gill, but she refused to touch it!

Carly sleeps with her arms above her head all the time! We had to snap a pic of it!

Fishin with Papa Rick and her new "fishin rod"-that's what she calls it!

Carly and Jayda out on the beach under an umbrella-they even had the hiccups at the same time! They are so funny!

Zach transitioning to bike during his traithalon-Go Zach!

Josie's front-float while blowing bubbles!

And her back-float...

Her favorite-jumping in without you holding her hands. She HAD to do it by herself!

Putting her face in.

Mom and Josie--she cried the first day swimming lessons were over, I had to convince her that we were coming back tomorrow!

Carly at 2 months old!

What a happy baby!! She is so good!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Fun

Hi everyone!! Hope you're all enjoying your summer! We sure are! We've been quite busy, to say the least! Carly was hospitalized when she was 2 weeks old for a fever and we found out she had a urinary tract infection! It was very scary, but she is doing very well now and gaining weight like a little piglet!! And there was another addition to our family, Jayda, she was born 2 weeks after Carly, so we know they will be the best of friends! I'm now an aunt and so proud!!! Josie is busy swimming at the pool and playing outside every chance she gets! We made it to Sturgis Falls Celebration last weekend and that was a blast! Josie got her face painted and loved it, which I'm glad because the line took over an hour!!! She also rode some fun rides with Mom and Dad. Carly is approaching 7 weeks old and I can't believe how the time is flying!! She is already rolling over and smiling and cooing like crazy!! There is never a dull moment in our household!

We had a photo shoot at home! Carly is 2 weeks old here.

My new niece, Jayda! She's adorable!

Poor Carly in the hospital...I had to take a picture :(

Josie with her new cousin, Jayda

Chelsea's holding Carly and I'm holding Jayda. Josie's so proud to be smack dab in the middle!

I had to take a picture of Carly with the adorable bonnet on!

Carly at 1 month old

We were getting her to smile so big, she almost laughed!

Daddy's trying to get a big smile out of her!

The sisters

Jayda and Carly staying cool under the shade of the umbrella.
Josie's taking a break from swimming, a very short break!
Swimming and having fun in our back yard. She loves pretending she's Ariel and I'm Eric...thanks!

Josie the butterfly

It was amazing how still she sat while getting her face painted. She didn't flinch, she's even sitting on her hands!!

Riding the merry-g0-round with Nana

Riding the race cars with Dad-that ride was her favorite!

Riding the big slide with Mom. She looks petrified, I was pretty scared, too!